Thursday, July 28, 2011

White, Wealthy & Worried

  That title catch your attention?  What in the world could this blog be about?  Probably nothing that has crossed your mind.
  It's about a man named Jesus.  From the appearance and actions of most of His followers I'm convinced that He is white, wealthy and worried.  It's my understanding that when someone has decided to accept Jesus and become His follower, they then should duplicate His life and follow His teachings.  Right?
  So, Christians, is this what you are doing?  Do you know His teachings?  Does your life resemble His?  Do you, on purpose, surround yourself with the people He surrounded Himself with?  Or, are you white, wealthy and worried?  Do you feel like your race or color is supreme?  Do you belittle or make fun of others because they don't look like you?  Are you consumed with wealth?  Always looking to make more money, only concerned with yourself and how much more you can attain?  Are you in a constant state of worry?  Always stressed, worried trying to bear the load on your own?
   The Jesus I know looks nothing like this.  Matter of fact,  He's is the complete opposite.  He was a dark skinned man who certainly was not concerned with His color or the color of anybody else.  He definitely wasn't concerned with money.  He had trust in His Father to meet His needs.  Worried?  Are you kidding? He is the Son of the Maker of the universe.  What's to worry about?  Too bad you and I can't get it through our thick skulls that we are also the children of the Maker of the universe!
  Jesus came to help the sick, lonely, hungry, less fortunate, fatherless.  Jesus said in the book of Luke 5:31 "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick."  When was the last time you spent time with these types of people?  Jesus, on purpose, went and spent time with a women at a well who had been married five times and was now living with another man.  Can you imagine the reputation she had?  Yet, Jesus went out of His way to spend time with her and extend His grace to her.  When was the last time you spent time with a woman like this?  On purpose?  What about when Jesus saw a crowd and was moved with compassion for them.  Not only did He, on purpose, spend time with them, He healed them and then fed them.  What is your reaction when you see that one sick, homeless, hungry person?  Are you moved with compassion or do you look the other way.
  I could go on and on but I'm sure you get my point.  What does your life and actions say about you and who you are following?  Are you following your flesh or the Maker of it?  I challenge you to, on purpose, step out of your comfort zone.  Love the unlovable, feed the hungry, clothe the naked.  Your life will never be the same.  Seek God's directions in your life.  Ask Him where you can best serve others.  This world so needs the body of Christ, the ones who wear His name, to start acting like His followers.
   Matthew 9:37-38, Then He said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.  Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.".....are you working for Him or you?

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